Caring for Our Communities
Food is at the heart of every community, and so is Kroger.
Our Purpose is To Feed the Human Spirit, and it begins with nourishing the communities we call home. Our customers count on us for a big weekly shop or last-minute meal, snacks for the game, a birthday treat for mom, flowers for a grieving friend and more. We offer friendly faces and welcoming places to run into friends and neighbors.
We also give back meaningfully to support the cities and towns where we work and live. We donate food and funds to thousands of nonprofit organizations helping lift up our communities. Through Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste impact plan, we aim to end hunger and waste for a brighter future.
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We’re committed to supporting communities in good and challenging times. Every year, we help hundreds of nonprofit organizations support others in need and make our communities better places to live and work.
Zero Hunger | Zero Waste
Kroger’s mission is to create communities free of hunger and waste wherever we operate. Find out more about our Zero Hunger | Zero Waste plan and what we’ve achieved since introducing it in 2017.
Community Rewards
Through Kroger Community Rewards, we invite our customers to direct funds to the local charities they care most about. In 2023, our customers directed over $40 million in company-provided Community Rewards to eligible nonprofits.
How We Give
We donate food and funds from Kroger, two nonprofit foundations, and generous customers who Round Up at registers to support nonprofit organizations serving our communities. We prioritize funding for programs that advance our Zero Hunger | Zero Waste impact plan and feed people. In 2023, Kroger donated a total of $329 million in charitable giving to our communities, including food and funds.

The Kroger Co. Foundation
The Kroger Co. Foundation, established in 1987, is the company’s private foundation. Last year, the Foundation donated $7 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofit organizations across the country to end hunger, advance racial equity and help communities recover from disasters.
Read our 2024 foundation report
The Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation
The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation, established in 2018, is a public charity that aims to transform our food system through collective action and innovation. Last year, the Foundation donated $7.4 million in grants to organizations who share our mission.
Read our 2024 foundation report
Feeding More People
As a visionary partner of Feeding America, Kroger supports its network operations and programs, helping to feed more individuals and families in our communities.
In 2023, the Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation directed $2.9 million in donations to Feeding America, including a $1 million Retail Agency Capacity grant to enable four local food banks to pick up more surplus food from our stores to help end hunger.

Honoring our Heroes
Since 2010, Kroger has provided $43 million in support to the United Service Organizations (USO), making us the largest cumulative donor in its history.
Three Kroger + USO Mobile Canteen units are stationed in Atlanta, Kansas City and Salt Lake City. These kitchens on wheels bring comforting, warm meals to our nation’s service men and women who are stationed across the country or deployed to provide critical disaster relief.

Disaster Relief
When disaster strikes, the Kroger team is ready to help. Our associates make sure stores are open and stocked with essential food and supplies when needed most. We also direct funds to national partners like the American Red Cross, Feeding America and local partners who provide critical direct relief.
Last year, we supported several communities affected by natural disasters and unexpected tragic events. Kroger’s Helping Hands Fund also provides emergency financial assistance to our associates in times of need.