Contact Us
Below you will find information for contacting our various departments and marketing divisions.
The Kroger Co.
Customer Relations
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100
Call Center
Open Mon. – Fri. 7 a.m. – Midnight, EST
Sat – Sun. 7 a.m. – 9:30 p.m., EST
Corporate Switchboard
(513) 762-4000
Corporate Affairs/Media Relations
Corporate Affairs Department
The Kroger Co.
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100
View all Kroger Family of Stores media contacts
View division and state contacts
Executive Offices
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100
(513) 762-4000
(please direct correspondence to the attention of a department or individual)
Financial Information
Investor Relations and Shareholder Services (513) 762-1220
EQ Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 64874
St. Paul, MN 55164-0874
Email: Stocktransfer@eq-us.com
(1 800 468-9716)
Human Resources
The Kroger Co.
Attn: HR
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100
Present a New Product or Service
Prepare a brief letter of introduction containing the information listed below (try to keep it to one page).
- A little background information on your company.
- Do not send samples at this time; send brochures and/or color photographs and two business cards (if available).
- Product/service information; variety of items offered, including styles, signs, colors, cost estimates and marketing plans.
- Financial position; actual resources and/or ability to raise capital.
- Advise if your product is on the shelf of other retailers and sales results.
- Production capabilities, equipment, shipping point and what quantities you can provide.
Mail to:
The Kroger Co.
(insert appropriate department from list below)
1014 Vine St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
- Facility Engineering
- Deli
- Grocery
- Health, Beauty, and Cosmetics
- Management Information Systems
- Manufacturing
- Meat
- Produce
- Seafood
- Store Supplies and Equipment