Key Performance Data Tables

The Kroger team recognizes our unique role in the future of food. We are helping build a more resilient and equitable food system that preserves access and affordability—today and in the future—by advancing more responsible and sustainable production methods for the food and consumer goods on which we all depend.

People: Serving Our Associates, Customers and Communities

Goals & Metrics 2021 2022 2023 Baseline Target Year Status
Associate Wages & Benefits
Cumulative investment in our associates' compensation and benefits $1.2B $1.9B $2.4B 2018
Increase average retail hourly wages and benefits over time Over $17/hour;
over $22/hour
including benefits
Over $18/hour;
over $23.50/hour
including benefits
Over $19/hour;
nearly $25/hour
including benefits
Food Access & Affordability
Increase annual sales of affordable, quality Our Brands portfolio of products $28B $30B $31B
Introduce new affordable Our Brands products 660 680 700+
Annual total meals donated to our communities—food and charitable donations 546M 599M 455M
Cumulative total meals donated since 2017—food and donations 2.3B 2.9B 3.4B 2017 2025
Donate surplus fresh food from stores and facilities to our communities through Kroger's Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Food Rescue program 94M pounds 106M pounds 114M pounds
100% of retail stores actively donating surplus fresh food 93% 100% 100% 2017 2025
Company-wide donations of fresh Produce, Deli and Dairy items make up 45%+ of total donations to improve nutrition security 42% 45% 45% 2017 2025
Charitable Giving
Total annual charitable giving to our communities $343M $336M $329M
Share of total charitable giving donated to national and local organizations helping end hunger $210M $253M $256M
Supplier Diversity & Inclusion: Certified diverse-owned suppliers have the opportunity to participate and compete for contracts
Annual spend with certified diverse-owned businesses1 $3.1B $3.5B $3.6B

M = million B = billion

  1. Reflects restated results after comprehensive review of supplier certification status

Planet: Protecting Natural Resources for a Brighter Future

Goals & Metrics 2021 2022 2023 Baseline Target Year Status
Climate Impact1
Achieve a 30% cumulative reduction in GHG emissions (percentage reduction from baseline; annual total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions) 9.1%
5,251,448 MTCO2e
4,894,705 MTCO2e
5,081,613 MTCO2e
2018 2030
Operational Waste
Achieve 90%+ waste diversion from landfills company-wide2 79% 82% 82% 2016 2025
Phase out single-use plastic grocery shopping bags Developing roadmap Using pilots to refine roadmap Using pilots to refine roadmap; 700+ stores phased out plastic bags due to legislation 2018 2025
Food Waste
Reduce total food waste generated in retail stores by 50% cumulatively from 2017 baseline (cumulative reduction; annual tons generated) 19.7%
269,382 tons
245,289 tons
265,773 tons
2017 2025
Achieve 95% diversion of remaining retail food waste from landfill 48.8% 45.9% 51.7% 2017 2025
Strive for 95% or more of retail stores participating in food waste recycling programs 92% 92% 95% 2017 2025
Our Brands Product Packaging Sustainability3
Seek to achieve 100% recyclable, compostable and/or reusable packaging 40% 37% 52% 2020 2030
Increase recycled content in packaging so Our Brands portfolio collectively contains at least 10% recycled content 14% 18% 10% 2020 2030
Biodiversity & Resource Conservation
Set new Goal to Protect Pollinators & Biodiversity to reduce pesticide use in fresh produce supply chains
  1. Consistent with prior years, partial Scope 3 emissions for 2023 are reported in the Climate Impact and Supplemental Data sections of the report. We also include a full Scope 3 inventory for 2021. We will report full Scope 3 inventories in the future
  2. Progress reflects calendar year data with the exception of construction waste, which reflects fiscal year
  3. We calculated our first packaging baseline for Our Brands products in 2022 for the 2021 performance year. The current dataset is focused on Our Brands food; health and beauty; cleaning; and deli and bakery products. We continue to expand on and improve our packaging dataset, particularly as we prepare for legislated reporting in the future. Narrative about additional stated packaging sustainability goals is included in the Waste & Circularity section of the report

Goals & Metrics 2021 2022 2023 Baseline Target Year Status
Seafood Sustainability1
Source 95% or more of wild-caught seafood from fisheries that are Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified, in MSC full assessment, in comprehensive fishery improvement projects or certified by other Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative-recognized programs 94% 95% 96% 2020 Ongoing
Preferentially source wild-caught seafood volume from fisheries that are MSC certified 77% 76% 80% 2020 Ongoing
Source 95% or more of farm-raised seafood from farms that are Best Aquaculture Practices 2-Star or greater certified, Aquaculture Stewardship Council certified or GLOBALG.A.P. certified 98% 99% 98% 2020 Ongoing
Source 100% of shelf-stable tuna from companies aligned with the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation2 97% 98% 99% 2020 Ongoing
Source 20% of Our Brands shelf-stable tuna from fisheries that are MSC certified 2.7% 17.7% 7.3% 2020 2025
No-Deforestation Commitments3
Source palm oil, palm kernel oil and palm oil derivatives in Our Brands products from sources certified to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil supply chain standard (percentage of ingredient volume that is from certified sources) 88% 96% 98% N/A Ongoing
Used post-consumer recycled content fiber and/or virgin fiber certified to FSC, SFI or PEFC standard
Kroger plants (percentage of packaging procured, by weight, from certified sources and/or including recycled content) 95%4 95% 99% N/A 2025
All Our Brands household paper products and paper product packaging (percentage of material, by weight, from certified sources and/or including recycled content) Household: 92%4
Packaging: 33%
Household: 93%
Packaging: 45%
Household: 94%
Packaging: 45%
N/A 2030
Use deforestation-free soy-based ingredients in Our Brands products
Kroger plants (percentage, by weight, from no-/low-risk countries) 100% 99% 99% N/A 2025
All third-party produced Our Brands products (percentage, by weight, from no-/low-risk countries) 90% Assessed periodically 93%5 N/A 2030
Use deforestation-free beef-based ingredients in Our Brands products and fresh beef
Beef in fresh meat department and Kroger plants (percentage, by weight, harvested in no-/low-risk countries; born, raised and harvested in no-/low-risk countries) 99% (87%) 99% (78%) 97% (94%)6 N/A 2025
All third-party produced Our Brands products (percentage, by weight, from no-/low-risk countries) 26% Assessed periodically 50%7 N/A 2030
  1. Progress reflects calendar year data. The timeline for these goals ended in 2023. We are revising the goals to make them ongoing so that we continue to strive for and maintain 95% or greater alignment with Kroger's Seafood Sustainability Policy for our Seafood department
  2. This is an enduring commitment that we continue to maintain. Percentages are measured by volume. In 2023, the remaining tuna not aligned with the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation alignment requirement was a new product that we expect to align with this requirement in the future
  3. No-deforestation goal progress reflects calendar year data with the exception of our packaging baseline calculation, which reflects fiscal year data
  4. We restated 2021 values to reflect a clarification to data inputs
  5. In 2023, 93% of soy-based ingredients in Kroger third-party manufactured Our Brands products was from low-or no-deforestation risk regions and 2% was from potentially high-risk regions. Suppliers of products with the remaining 5% of ingredients could not provide visibility to the country of origin
  6. 97% of beef-based ingredients in our fresh meat case and manufacturing plants, by volume, was harvested in regions with low- or no-deforestation risk. In addition, 94% was from cattle born, raised and harvested in low- or no-deforestation risk regions
  7. In 2023, 50% of beef-based ingredients in Kroger third-party manufactured Our Brands products was from low- or no-deforestation risk regions, and 49% was from potentially high-risk regions. Suppliers of products with the remaining 1% of ingredients could not provide visibility to the country of origin


Goals & Metrics 2021 2022 2023 Baseline Target Year Status
Responsible Sourcing: Animal Welfare
Laying Hen Housing
Revenue: Increase sales of shell eggs from laying hens in cage-free or better housing systems as a percentage of total egg revenue1 45.9% 32.3%2 51.9%
Volume: Increase shell eggs sourced from laying hens in cage-free housing systems or better (units: dozens) to 70%1 27% 33.6% 33.2% 2030
Sow Housing3
Volume: By 2025, Kroger aims to source 100% of fresh pork from sows in group housing systems, based on availability 62.2% 2025
Broiler Chicken Welfare4
Achieve the following welfare enhancements in at least 50% of our supply for Simple Truth Organic® and Simple Truth Natural® fresh chicken:
Maximum stocking density of 6.0 pounds/sq. foot 17.5% 17.9% 37.8% 2024
Prohibit broiler cages 100% 100% 100% 2024
Enriched environments, including litter, lighting and enrichments 48% 41.9% 39.5% 2024
Processing in a manner that avoids pre-stun handling and uses controlled atmosphere systems (CAS) 10.4% 10.9% 14.5% 2024
  1. Restated progress to align shell egg units to dozens for all years
  2. This percentage declined in 2022 as a result of customer purchasing behaviors, supply constraints for cage-free eggs and pricing changes during recent inflationary periods
  3. Given the lack of industry alignment on standards and definitions for sow housing, we are unable to determine accurate year-over-year performance for 2022 and prior years
  4. Goal progress is impacted by industry challenges, such as the time and cost required to transition growing operations to larger barns and CAS systems
The Kroger Family of Companies