Partner Pass Help

Need help with Partner Pass? Follow the directions below for common troubleshooting instruction.

How do I get access to Partner Pass?​

To be added as a new user, an existing Partner Pass user in your organization must create your user account.

How do I get access to Partner Pass?​


IRC access

Lavante access

Supplier Hub access

What are my responsibilities as an application Admin?​

Application Admins manage your organization’s users for their assigned application(s). Please note that Admin users are responsible for granting access to applications, as well as deactivating users that have left your organization in a timely manner.


Grant access to an application

Grant Application Admin access to another user

Deactivate a user

Reactivate a user

Frequently Asked Questions​


Can I share my login with teammates?

What if I can’t use Multi-Factor Authentication?

Can I set up MFA on more than one device?

Contact Support

Need help with Partner Pass? Contact the Kroger Supplier Engagement Group (SEG):

The Kroger Family of Companies