Supplier Hub Help

Need help with Supplier Hub? Follow the directions below for common troubleshooting instruction.

How do I get access to Supplier Hub?​

There are two ways to get access to Supplier Hub:


I am interested in doing business with Kroger

I have been awarded business with Kroger

Supplier Hub Guides​


What do I need to get started?

How do I set up my Prospect profile?

How do I login to Supplier Hub?

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I add users to my Supplier Hub profile?

How do I correct the information from Dun & Bradstreet?

Who is my Kroger Primary Contact?

How do I change my organization’s name in Supplier Hub?

How do I combine multiple Supplier Hub profiles?

Why haven’t I heard from Kroger about my Prospect Vendor profile?

Contact Support

Need help with Supplier Hub? Contact the Kroger Supplier Engagement Group (SEG):

The Kroger Family of Companies