Facility Address Book
Supplier Hub Help
Facility Address Book
- A Facility that Provides the Latest Value-Add Process in the Supply Chain – Includes examples of a latest value-add facility
- Create a Facility – Includes instructions to create a facility from start to finish, including all possible pages within the facility address book:
- Facility Profile
- Categorization Questionnaire
- Create Address Details
- Item from Facility
- Facility Contacts
- Facility Food Safety Compliance
- Social Compliance
- Sustainability
- Complete
- Search and Manage Items Across Multiple Facilities
- Temporarily Inactivate a Facility
- Update a Facility Profile
- Update a Facility Categorization Questionnaire
- Complete a Facility
- Add an Item to a Facility
- Create a Facility Contact
- Update a Facility Contact
- Update Facility Food Safety Compliance
- Update Social Compliance
- Update Sustainability or Add Sustainability Documentation
Additional Help Topics
- Help Document: Prospect Vendor Registration Guide
- For a list of all Supplier Hub help, click here.
- For an overview of the Kroger Supplier Hub, click here.
If you have any questions, contact the Kroger Supplier Engagement Group:
- e-mail: SupplierCompliance@Kroger.com
- phone (US): 844-277-6165
- phone (outside US): +011 513-387-1140