Doing Business

Doing Business
Doing Business with Kroger
There are two categories of business opportunities with Kroger:
- Supplying retail merchandise for sale in Kroger stores;
- Supplying services and/or not for resale goods.
Retail Sales
The grocery business is highly competitive. Kroger typically earns just pennies on the dollar. These razor-sharp margins make the retail environment challenging for all suppliers. Kroger stores typically carry 40,000 – 50,000 items. Competition for shelf space is intense. Customer acceptance, as demonstrated by sales, is used to measure product performance and retention.
Our company has 17 retail divisions, which are organized on a geographic basis. Kroger’s Merchandising Group (KMG) in Cincinnati directs and coordinates the majority of the retail buys by bringing together top merchants in almost every category to develop strategies and direct merchandise selection. They also must be aware of local demographics and regional preferences to ensure that these products are available in our stores.
These items are purchased from suppliers that can offer quality and outstanding service at a competitive price. Diverse suppliers with resale goods receive guidance and consultation from Kroger buyers and merchandisers to help them become better Kroger suppliers, whether or not they are able to be placed on our shelves. Kroger’s goal is to help them develop their businesses.
Tips for Retail Suppliers:
- Does your product have a Universal Product Code (UPC) number from GS1, www.gs1us.org, (937)435-3870?
- Does your product have a nutritional facts label? Information can be found with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration www.cfsan.fda.gov, (888)463-6332
- Do you know your NAICS code? For more information visit www.naics.com
Services and Not for Resale Goods and Supplies
It takes many services and products to support the day-to-day operations of more than 2,400 grocery stores, 1,000 fuel centers, over 40 manufacturing plants and over 338,000 employees. As a result, we seek companies that can provide goods and services that are high-quality, cost-effective and technologically advanced. Following is a partial list of services and goods by department that we procure:
- Facility Engineering- construction, renovation, equipment maintenance, janitorial
- Store Operating Supplies- bags, uniforms, cash operations, freezers, cleaning suppliers, food processing appliances
- Retail Operations- Parking lot sweeping, snow removal, landscaping, security, window washing
- Logistics- transportation (truck, intermodal), warehousing supplies
- Information Technology
- Financial Services
- Manufacturing- raw ingredients, packaging
Registration Process
- Go to https://kroger.smartsourceportal.com/SourceWeb.dll/SupplierRegistration.html
- Upload all requested documents. Diverse certification is required. Optional items include information on financials, insurance, brochures, etc.
- Registration must be completed to move forward.
- All suppliers must be certified, 51% or more owned and operated by a minority, woman, GLBT, veteran or service disabled veteran.
- Vendor must have a clear understanding of their service and/or product. Be prepared to provide details about your operations, sales history, competitors, value proposition, capacity, etc.
- View “B2B Vendor Site” for required documents and processes for all Kroger vendors.
- Your registration will expire on the same date as your diverse certification. At that time you will receive an email to update your information. Please review your complete profile at that time for accuracy.
Contact us at 513-762-1582 or supplierdiversity@kroger.com