Name & role within the business:
Ashley Ross, Founder & Principal
Name of business:
Muse Noire Interiors
Interior Design
Brief description of the goods/services you provide:
Muse Noire is a full-service interior design firm for commercial and residential properties. Our packages include design consultations via zoom, e-design, and full service with light construction. Recently, we have begun to offer mentorship to up-and-coming designers to tighten up their systems and offerings.
Location & markets you serve:
Primarily Charlotte, NC. Currently we have projects in California, Chicago, Florida, and other cities in NC.
Any notable achievements you are proud of (both personal & business):
We have been featured in the Business of Home and featured on the High Point Market Authorities Website speaking on the push to make professionals in the home design industry more visible. Muse Noire is currently being considered to design a celebrity home in Hollywood. I am also really proud to have just had our first 5 figure week in business.
Is this your full-time job currently? If not, describe your current job and any tips/tricks on how you balance both:
Currently I work for North Carolina’s largest private child welfare agency. I serve as the area director, responsible for the business development of the 32 counties in the western part of the state. During my last role as the executive director of the Police Activities League, I knew that my next role would be my last. My husband and I started a family and there was a huge shift in my priorities. So, I searched for a role that I could bring value to, in a company that was flexible and family friendly. So that is a huge part of my secret to balancing this business with my 9-5. The other trick is managing the expectations of my clients. They know when they will see me throughout their design process.
What drives your passion for this business?
My passion is driven by my ability to create a mindset shift for clients to understand how monumental their home is. In my opinion, interior design is a form of self-care and a major contributor to our overall wellness – just as much as physical and mental health. I grew up creating little safe spaces for myself, and I really want others to do the same for themselves and their families.
Favorite small/local business you frequent:
Ronaldo (Restaurant), The Good Polish, and BWARE Brand
What are you most hoping to take away from this program?
I am hoping to gain a better understanding of running my business.
Anything else you’d like us to know about you?
I am excited to learn and implement all of the information.