Name & role within the business:
Ewaniki Moore-Hawkins, Co-Owner & Chief Detail Officer
I manage the daily operations, client communication & booking, social media management, and other business tasks. I also assist with the production and shipping of our paint kits.
Brandon Hawkins, Co-Owner & Lead Teaching Artist
I am the lead artist, muralist, and teacher of the business. I produce all the art and design requested by our clients for our kits, parties, mural projects, and sessions. I serve as the visual arts instructor for our virtual and in-person paint experiences.
Name of business:
Soul Palette, LLC.
Arts & Entertainment
Brief description of the goods/services you provide:
Soul Palette creates virtual, mobile, and customizable paint party experiences to celebrate any occasion. Our paint experiences have been enhanced with our new offering – paint party kits that can be used with private instruction or self-guided. We also provide private or group lessons for those wanting to hone their fine art skills. Lastly, we create small or large-scale murals and commissioned works of art to help beautify and enhance spaces.
Location & markets you serve:
We are in Cincinnati, Ohio. We serve clients and consumers across a wide range of social classes, races, ethnicities, genders, etc. Our current age ranges from 5 years to 80+. Our current client & consumer base comes from across the nation with the bulk from the Midwest, West, and East Coast. Through a key partnership, we have even engaged people in other countries through our virtual art sessions.
Any notable achievements you are proud of (both personal & business):
Yes, I worked diligently in higher education for 18 years at the University of Cincinnati serving specifically students of color and left a robust legacy. I have received numerous awards and honors for my commitment to excellence. I am also the mother of two beautiful, bold, and entrepreneurial little girls. With Soul Palette, I was especially proud for us to be named “Best Virtual Paint Party” by Cincinnati Magazine in December 2020. They also gave Soul Palette the opportunity to design the cover of that magazine issue. This acknowledgement was reassuring as we had just pivoted into the virtual space a couple of months prior.
Is this your full-time job currently? If not, describe your current job and any tips/tricks on how you balance both:
Yes, Soul Palette is now my full-time career, as I resigned from my previous full-time role in August 2020. However, the first 4 years of our business I had to manage and balance both.
What drives your passion for this business?
Soul Palette is a manifestation of mine and my husband’s gifts, talents, and skill sets coming together in such a synergistic way. I am passionate because we are following God’s purpose and plan for our lives. We have also been able to be an example for our girls and others of what faith plus action looks like.
Favorite small/local business you frequent:
Ewaniki: Grace + Grit
Brandon: Davis Cookie Collection
What are you most hoping to take away from this program?
Ewaniki: I am excited to build community with other entrepreneurs as well as fortify the infrastructure of our business.
Brandon: To develop my business skills so we can become more efficient in all we do.
Anything else you’d like us to know about you?
I am a servant leader, resourceful, and love to help others reach their highest potential.