Supplier Item Data Responsibilities

Supplier Item Data Responsibilities
Kroger requires all suppliers to provide information about products sold in any Kroger format.
Kroger partners with 1WorldSync, an industry leader in global product data management for omnichannel commerce, to receive product content from their supplier community. Suppliers can use the Kroger Vendor Item Portal (VIP), which is integrated with the Global Data Synchronization (GDSN). VIP facilitates the process required to submit and maintain item data by storing characteristics, or “attributes” of items sold.
Visit the Kroger / 1WorldSync webpage for more information about registering for the Vendor Item Portal – the tool for item submission. Be sure to allow sufficient time (at least a week) for your company’s registration request to process and receipt of access information. Still have questions?
For questions regarding Registration for Vendor Item Portal (VIP), contact 1WorldSync:
Email: KrogerRegistration@1worldsync.com
For technical issues:
Email: technicalsupport@1worldsync.com
Phone: 866-280-4013
For Kroger VIP Item Submission (errors occurring once in VIP and cannot resolve) contact the Kroger Supplier Engagement Group:
Email: ItemMDMVIP@kroger.com
Phone: US: 1-844-277-6165 / International: +011 513-387-1140
hours: 8:00AM to 6:00PM ET Mon-Fri